Laurie has been a Spiritual Teacher, Intuitive Reader, Energy Healer and Conscious Creator for 20 plus years. She has taught Classes, given Intuitive Readings, and facilitated Energy work throughout the United States. Her classes have been a wide range of teaching from Self Empowerment Tools to Spiritual Development and Energy Work.

“I believe we are all Masters in disguise, and all we need is a little help in remembering who we are and why we came here.”
Laurie Harrison


One On One Coaching

This is mentoring on specific areas such as: Relationships, Career, Family, or Shifting to a Higher Vibration, Enhancing your Intuition, and Working With your Higher Self and Guides. Any area you’d like assistance.

Intuitive Readings

One-on-one sessions where I answer any questions you may have about yourself by tuning into your energy (Higher Self) and relaying the information back to you. These are always rewarding, surprising, and very helpful, not to mention a lot of fun!

Empowerment Classes

Understanding yourself at a deeper level. Classes include, but not limited to, Intuition, Vibration, Opening Your 3rd Eye, Enhancing Your Gifts, Automatic Writing, Synchronicities, Conscious Creating, Trusting Yourself etc.

Healing Energy Work

Facilitating energetic tools and techniques that assist in healing trauma, and/or removing energy blocks that keep you from moving forward in life.

Can you-stop on a dime
And make a left turn
Change your whole life
Without feeling burned?
Can you-forgive and forget
And let it all go….
Chuck all your pride
For a little less show?
Can you-find your compassion
Push judgment aside
Stomp down your ego
With light in your eyes?
Can you-give up your security
The need to follow along
Wake up your mind
Write your own song?
Can you see what’s not there
Hear what’s not being said
Cast love on the shadow
While staying out of your head?
Can you love without expecting
Give your heart without fear
Be open and understanding
Without shedding a tear?
Can you-claim your freedom, your passion
You are a Leader —- it’s true!
Wake up! wake up!
A New World is waiting for you!!
